waya ロゴ waya loading dots

Copyright © Guest House waya 2025


guest house waya




English is below.


1階にあるShared Loungeは地元の人や旅人が集って誰もが交流できるリビングルームのような空間です。
◇ 時期:2019年4月上旬〜6月下旬
◇ 期間:2週間~1ヶ月 (*原則として最短2週間から。)
◇ 形態:フリーアコモデーション(*寝る場所、昼/夜の2食付き!)
◇ 条件:外国国籍の方はワーキングホリデービザを持っていること
◇ 業務内容:シフト制(*基本は週休2日制。3日働いて、1日休みのローテーション。)基本は10:30-15:30(4h掃除、1h休憩)
◇ こんな人に来てほしい(全部当てはまらなくてOKです):
◇ その他:
◇ 応募方法:件名に「ヘルパー応募」と書いて、waya.guesthouse@gmail.comまでメールをお送りください。





Guest house waya is looking for helper staff.

The main job you will be doing is cleaning.

We want you to be able to enjoy your time here! That is very important to us. We want you to be able to have fun with the guests as well. For example, our helpers have gone surfing with the staff and customers, gone on onsen trips, and have opportunities to drink with them.

On our first floor we have “The Shared Lounge” which is where locals and travelers can gather and interact. We have constant events there, which the helpers are more than welcome to join. The events are anything from food nights and music jam sessions to opportunities to learn new things.

Locals are able to use our kitchen so you will often have the opportunity to meet them. People also come to have a drink with friends and new people. After only a short time “I’m Home!” will come naturally to you.

Do you want to join us in making such a place? We are always looking for new helpers! We tend to only schedule people for three months in advanced (for example: if it is now April, we schedule through June). Period: The helping period has to be at least two weeks. Usually one month is our maximum, but feel free to chat to us about staying longer. We can do a sort of trial period.

Conditions: Foreigners must have a valid work permit or be on a working holiday visa.

Work Shifts: The basic schedule involves two days off a week. You would work three days and then have one day off. Working hours are from 10:30-15:30. This is about four hours of work, with one hour to rest and enjoy lunch.

Benefits: In exchange for your work, we provide you a bed to sleep in and meals to eat! Let us know if you have any food restrictions! You can also participate freely in our events (non guests or non staff have to pay a fee). We could like someone who can fit the following (you don’t need to be all!)

* Someone who likes to travel domestically and abroad

* Someone who is okay with the slow living style of Sapporo

* Someone who likes cleaning and is aware of what needs to be done

* Someone who wants to live in Hokkaido! Even if just for a short time

* People who like to play! We like to have fun during our days Other comments:

* If you already live in Sapporo and want to help us just on weekends, please contact us!

* You do not need to be able to speak Japanese and/or English, but must have the basics for at least one of those languages as well as the ability to have fun with guests even How to apply: Write “Helper Application” in the subject line and send an email to waya.guesthouse@gmail.com

Please write freely in the text, but please include the following: A self-introduction, your aspirations, travel experiences, and your desired working period.

We want to get a feel for who you are, feel free to be yourself! We look forward to hearing from you!



