【We are looking for Helpers!!!】
Hi Everybody:)
We are currently looking for people who can help us continue to provide a place here where travelers can stay and explore Sapporo.
If you like to drink, to travel, to meet new people and share experiences with them, are curious and up to challenges, are interested in guesthouses, Hokkaido, and Japanese culture, and most importantly if you have a good sense of humor and know how to have a good time, we are looking for you!
We especially like to work with people who are trying to learn Japanese, as we have found that previous helpers tend to experience big improvements in their time with us.
◆About our hostel
Guest house waya
“Starting new adventure”
Guest House Waya is a place where travelers from all over the world and locals can interact and connect. New encounters will make your journey richer and more enjoyable.
We aspire to be a lodging facility for travelers where the number of “people you want to meet again” increases.
After 1st of May, 2023
◆For how long?
Anywhere from 2 weeks to one month, minimum is two weeks, let us know if you would want to stay longer.
◆For what compensation?
We offer a place to sleep, a part of lunch fee each working day and plenty of Japanese practice.
Living room, kitchen, and shower spaces to be shared with guests。
◆Working schedule
11:00-16:00 (4.5hours, 30-min break): help for cleaning the hostel.
There are 3 days of work for every 1 day off.
We will ask you to do the cleaning on days of guest checkouts. You will for sure have at least two days off a week, perhaps more. On days you do not work, we just ask you to clean the spaces you have used. Cleaning only takes a few hours in the morning, and you are free the rest of the day!
◆Other information
- We accept Working Holiday Visas ONLY!
Unfortunately, even other visas that allow for some work cannot be accepted. This is due to the strict laws in Sapporo.
- All staff can speak English so if you cannot speak Japanese, do not worry! We will be happy to help you improve your Japanese and share our culture with you if you wish. There are a lot of foreigners at our hostel so you can meet many people from all over the world and make new, amazing friends.
- You can have a part time job outside of the hostel if you want.
◆How to apply
Please send an e-mail to us!
Title “Helper Application”
Please write freely in the text, but please include the following: A self-introduction, your aspirations, travel experiences, and your desired working period.
Thank you for your interest in being a helper!
We are looking forward to welcoming you as a new member of our family!!!
Guest house wayaでは、ヘルパースタッフを募集しております。
◇ 時期:2023年5月1日以降
◇ 期間:2週間〜1ヶ月 (*原則として最短2週間から。1ヶ月以上ご希望の場合はお気軽にご相談ください。)
◇ 形態:フリーアコモデーション
◇ こちらから提供できるもの:
◇ 条件:外国国籍の方はワーキングホリデービザを持っていること
◇ 業務内容:シフト制(*基本は週休2日制。3日働いて、1日休みのローテーション。)で、基本は11:00-16:00(最長)
◇ こんな人に来てほしい(全部当てはまらなくてOKです):
◇ その他:
◇ 応募方法:件名に「ヘルパー応募」と書いて、waya.guesthouse@gmail.comまでメールをお送りください。