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    Utautai Yurina Maeda

    Yurina Maeda

Doronko positive singing from Hokkaido.I'm running around the country with songs every day, hoping that the people who listen to the songs will be able to relax and shine. 2017 Sponsored by Oto Fes, a comprehensive music festival at Kanamori Hall in Hakodate. 2018 Around Japan my way tour. In charge of the ending song for NHK Hot News Hokkaido in 2019.Every day, I am struggling with myself and working hard every day to deliver power with life-sized songs written based on actual experiences.

Yurina Maeda Official Site https://maedayurina.jimdo.com/

A word to waya

Every time I go to WAYA, I have a lot of "encounters". Many of the people I meet at WAYA face themselves in various fields and live straight, so it's wonderful to meet independent friends who can cooperate with each other when they can help each other without leaning on each other. I am thinking.Every time I was stimulated, I was able to take a step myself, and there were many things that started anew with WAYA. The ending of NHK Hot News Hokkaido is one of them.I also use the music from the promotional movie.I hope WAYA will continue to be a place where good energy gathers!