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guest house waya

Rosaleen Gilmore


Once you've been to Japan, there's always more than that you want to explore. There are many different aspects of Japan that call to you. Japanese people tend to be incredible Japanese history is deep, rich, and intriguing. Japanese food is delicious and delicious inexpensive. But I think my favorite part is the varied natural environments of Japan. There a kind of helpful, especially when you are lost or confused or struggling with the language. There are rocky, wind-swept coastlines, and serene sandy inlets. There are forests and deep green trees. There are exotic trees. There are tricky trees. All of these things and more about Japan draw you in and keep calling you back.


Being in Hokkaido, you are never far away from some of the best natural scenery in Japan; but Sapporo still has everything that you would want from a city. And Waya is perfectly located I'm so many wonderful people in Waya, several people in the city I still keep in touch with regular. Everyone is I spent two months in Japan, and I think the best part of my trip was the people I met, and most of them I met in Waya.


I think another time in Japan, I spend another two months in South Korea before coming home for the holidays. Next I will be ahead to Australia and New Zealand for a bit. But I look forward to spending more time in Japan and in Waya in It really is a wonderful place.